Originally Posted by mr dave
the main character has underlying psychological problems because he lacked the mental fortitude to step up to the unpleasant reality of adulthood.
He was part of a generation of boys raised by their mothers...
Originally Posted by mr dave
they blew up buildings to abolish debt not money. the idea of money has and will ALWAYS exist so long as people are unable to fully and completely survive independently of themselves. the need for paper money grew from the inability of the barter system to fully provide for its society. most of that was due to want (as controlled by the ego) over needs (as controlled by the body). the dumb people are the ones who think our society would survive as is without money and NOT devolve into an anarchistic wasteland.
I haven't seen the movie in a while, so I'll assume what you said about it being about abolishing debt is true. That aside, Tyler Durden's final goal WAS to create an anarchistic wasteland, because the main character, as you said, couldn't cope with the world as we know it. Perhaps the buildings were just the beginning of a series of plots to make the whole world equal before de-civilizing them.
Originally Posted by mr dave
again the ideals lead to failure and refuse to see their hypocrisy, how does that cult survive without corporations and a capitalist society to leech from? (everything they had they got from stealing).
The cult was always destined to reach their final goal and cease existing for lack of a purpose or fail and just end.
Originally Posted by mr dave
'falling down' starring michael douglas came out almost a decade earlier hits a lot of the same ideas and does it without relying on a cult of anarchy punks pushing hippie commune ideals.
Great movie as well!