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Old 02-23-2009, 04:42 PM   #3 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
Ayn Rand didn't think homosexuality could be natural either. She also believes in a militaristic foreign policy that is not rational. Ayn Rand is not a god. I like her because she is the best we have/had.
She is probably the worst philosopher I can think of.

While all America wants to ruin the economy, someone has to do something about it, even if it means supporting the libertarians.
So we're going to fix up the economy by getting rid of the establishments that exist for the purpose of making sure the economy works? Makes perfect sense. Fight for peace rah rah rah.

Also the second half of that message is an obvious troll. I lol'd.
As tongue in cheek as it was I meant it far more sincerely than the first half. Her anti-poor people writing is rather insulting to any decent human.
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