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Old 02-20-2009, 07:53 AM   #1090 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Blue View Post
I won't disagree that people prone to anxiety, or without much mental strength may be more likely to have those kinds of experiences on it though. I guess my point was, whether you're high or not, you are in control. It's when you make yourself believe you're not that you lose it. That goes for being high or sober, but yes, being high can make you more susceptible to it depending on your personality and mental state. But like I said, it's ultimately in your own hands.

Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
my contention is not that the prospect of marijuana use resulting in anxiety is unimaginable, but that essentially any human experience can potentially result in anxiety - thus rendering any kind of forewarning redundant. that's all. i really don't think we're in enough of a quarrel here to even call for such a drawn-out argument.
As stated in my last post, the claim from you that I've arguing against is your claim that being high does not increase the probability of experiencing anxiety. I don't disagree that a simple activity like going fishing for some may be trivial while horrifying for others.

Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
...though i find the notion of a "dark side" to marijuana rather laughable, on an entirely privy level. i've had far darker experiences with caffeine.
That's good for you and I hope it stays that way.
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