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Old 02-20-2009, 07:30 AM   #1089 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
This is your claim :

I've quoted people's accounts of having negative experiences on the drug who afterwards suffered from anxiety disorder. Other MB members have so far posted at least 3 accounts of themselves or others experiencing anxiety or panic attacks while high. I've quoted and linked to sites and a scientific study that say that cannabis can lead to Cannabis Induced Anxiety Disorder and that people who use cannabis recreationally are at greater risk at suffering from anxiety.

At this point, I don't care what you believe anymore. It's like trying to argue evolution with a creationist. If others here who do experience paranoia while high read my posts or if people who consider themselves nervous are thinking about smoking, then I hope reading my posts make them a little more cautios than they otherwise would.

Sometimes I feel like every regular pot smoker is a propaganda machine for the drug. While there are plenty of good experiences to be had from it, there's also a dark side to it - like there is with any drug. If you mention it in regards to alcohol, people say "yeah, that's true". Do the same with pot and every smoker turns against you.
I didn't mean to imply there wasn't a dark side to it. It somewhat turned on me at some point, because I was more or less abusing it. I was using it for the wrong reasons, and I was doing it with a very poor frame of mind. That was the initial cause for any anxiety. I won't disagree that people prone to anxiety, or without much mental strength may be more likely to have those kinds of experiences on it though. I guess my point was, whether you're high or not, you are in control. It's when you make yourself believe you're not that you lose it. That goes for being high or sober, but yes, being high can make you more susceptible to it depending on your personality and mental state. But like I said, it's ultimately in your own hands.
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