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Old 02-19-2009, 03:54 PM   #17 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
They created the bomb. How isn't that science?
Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
I think he was more getting at the fact the actual act of dropping the bombs had more to do with war than curiosity.
Yes and furthermore, the atomic bomb was a result of the Manhattan Project led by the U.S. Army. If you don't like the bombings, they're the ones to blame. It's not like the international scientific community is actively trying to create weapons of mass destruction or promote genocide.

Science as done in the scientific community is mostly done by people figuring stuff out, proving it statistically and then publishing articles for the rest of the scientific community to read and review. I don't think you can blame scientists as a whole for the secret bioweapon project someone is researching in a hidden bunker somewhere.

Sometimes, scientific discoveries from the scientific community can be used for the wrong ends, but if a scientist discovers in theory how to make gunpowder, is it his fault if you go make it and blow someone up with it? Anyone who has a strong dislike for the stuff made possible by scientific progress could go live like the amish if they wish.

edit :

Regarding fetuses, like sleepy jack, I don't see the moral problem with using aborted fetuses. I can see why some people don't like it if we start cloning stemcells if they regard them as somehow "holy", but it's not a perspective I share with them. I expect in the future that people will have their own stemcells stored somewhere that may help them with certain diseases later in life. There's a hell of a lot of other things we can do with it as well .. Growing beef (food) straight out of the petri dish could be an interesting possibility.
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