Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Theres alot of people running around here who think their opinion is godly, you cna't let it get to you, because these two are the least of your worries.
Hooker's Top Ten Reasons Why This Is Funny
1. Are you not the same kind young gentleman that holds grudges against people for hating Metallica? Do correct me if I am mistaking you for another lad.
2. Are you not the same vibrant individual who called Hooker's, and I quote, "retarted" with merely "punk credibility" for disagreeing with you on liking or hating a band?
3. Are you not the same classic movie hero that accused Hookers of being unfamiliar with your alt-country list, that consisted of artists that even your own mother can recognize?
4. I bet you think you are one sweet cupcake, with sprinkles and everything.
5. Everyone holds their own opinion in high regard. Some are more sensitive about it than others. For instance, adidass. I'm sure if I disrespected Interpol to her face, I would probably get lynched, tar'd, and feather'd all in one. Btw, Go Joy Division! Win it for the team.
6. I'm expecting a smart ass retort from yours truly, although if you give it enough time before you start typing away, you'll see that one is totally unnecessary. Remember, it isn't worth responding to a retard with only punk credibility that probably doesnt even know who Interpol is. My, are they another one of those dreadful gangster rappers I've been hearing so much about?
7. I hold no grudges. Like you and all the other fish in the sea, I am merely a music fanatic with too much time on his hands. This is like mental masturbation for me.
8. Joy Division>>>>>Interpol and then some (they don't teach you this in mathematics, but they should)
9. FYI, I have NO credibility.
10. Ironically, when I read your post, the first person I thought of was myself. Maybe I am just some punk credible retard in disguise as an elitist. Meh.... I love it.