1. I went by my middle name for the first 18 years of my life.
2. I hated it.
3. I'm getting a BS in mechanical engineering, hopefully within the next two years.
4. I have a higher GPA than I did in high school.
5. I love four of my roommates.
6. The other one is a complete nob.
7. I don't have a best friend.
8. The two that I was fortunate enough to have in my life moved to faraway places: one to Alaska, the other to Ukraine.
9. I have about three cubic feet of closet space, which is more than enough to shelve my wardrobe.
10. I disdain materialism in all its forms.
11. Up until about six months ago, the person I was closest to was a cat named Jinka.
12. She's dead now.
13. I will die of cancer eventually.
14. I haven't decided when.
15. All my friends are potheads.
16. Any given weekend I can count on at least three people waking me up because they're hammered and they're knocking on the wrong fucking apartment.
17. I hate my natural hair color.
18. I refuse to do anything about it.
19. I've loved ice hockey all my life, but my parents could never afford to let me play.
20. I'm actually a pretty quiet person in real life.
21. I try as hard as I can not to be pretentious or arrogant and somehow I still come off that way to my friends.
22. I have a severely limited attention span.
23. I can't make it through a bad movie; it took me four tries and countless naps before I made it halfway through Diamonds are Forever.
24. I think coffee is disgusting.
25. I don't like Piper at the Gates of Dawn.