1. I too am bored.
2. I go to the University of Toledo even though I got accepted to Ohio State and both my parents are rabid OSU fans.
3. I major in Civil Engineering even though I'm way more interested in things like journalism and business.
4. I failed 3/4 of my midterms and studied twice as much as I usually do for them.
5. I have a fond liking of the pokemon video games to this day.
6. I secretly hate all of my 5 roomates.
7. I miss my dog who is back home a lot.
8. Pink Floyd is my second favorite band.
9. I bite my nails way too far down.
10. I thought I had pink eye, but it turns out I have an eye infection from falling asleep with my contacts in and it's probably worse than pink eye.
11. I have a torn meniscus in my left knee and it pops out and hurts like hell about once a month.
12. I have an injured right knee that I am supposed to get an MRI on but canceled cause I didn't feel like going home.
13. I played high school football even though I was way better at basketball.
14. My favorite food is chicken paprikas. My mom makes it the best.
15. I spent roughly $420 dollars at chipotle last year.
16. I would pay $100 dollars of my own money to see the Indians, Browns, or Cavs win their respective championships.
17. I would pay $1000 dollars of my own money to have sex with Scarlett Johannson.
18. I buy a new t shirt almost every week and it NEVER fits. I'm in that Medium-Large terror zone.
19. I've never been in a really serious relationship.
20. I have the ugliest feet but wear sandals way more than most people.
21. I have to pee.
22. I've been craving TGI Fridays for like a year now but I can't get it because the one by me closed.
23. I drink over a gallon of water a day habitually.
24. I keep my balls fairly trimmed unlike addidass. It looks nicer and is more comfortable.
25. I'll probably be up til 2:30 doing homework tonight if I start it right now.