Originally Posted by iksosept
Toredorem, you might have a difficult name I never remember, but damn, you never cease to amaze me. Great drawing, awesome metal man + I don't think I'd have had the balls to submit something, with the word "fu ck" all over it, to some school assignment (probably).
Your #1 fan.
I love the bird in the 3rd picture, with the question mark 
Do you know those Dagobert Duck comics about him, having some adventures in the past, like searching for Eldorado, or living at the Klondike River to search for gold? As a kid my grandpa bought me some Mickey Mouse comic magazine every week, and those were in there sometimes. And they were the best by far. they were drawn differently, not as bright as the normal Mickey Mouse comics, and there was always something happening in the background, similar to your birds . Though I doubt, the word F uck was involved..
what I don't understand is the tv in the end, at all ?!?
Wow, thanks a lot for the praise
Tore is my name and torden means "thunder" in norwegian. When me and a friend got our divers licenses, our trainer called us thunder and lightning, so I just added "torden" to my name.
I do know those Dagobert comics! Actually, I reread through the whole series like a couple of months ago and I used to collect them when I was a kid. They came with these stickers you could put on this poster with a family tree on it, great stuff. I also love the little details that Don Rosa would draw into his cartoons.
The ending with the TV was not really supposed to be an ending. It was just a transition to something else, but when I couldn't be arsed, it sort of worked as an ending after all.
Me and my friends have done a lot of weird things over the years, so we made a wiki where we write about stuff that we've done, places we've been and ideas that we've had so that we won't forget them completely. More people should do this, really. I didn't have these pictures on the webspace, but since I uploaded them to the wiki long ago, I could get a hold of them there.