^Holy crap! 250 euros ain't bad for something you were prepared to give away for free. Nice going with the collage!
This is something I drew back in 2001. Me and some friends had our own mad inventor's society where we drew plans for various doomsday machines and other things. One of the doomsday machines we drew up was the Atlas Infernalis, a gigantic metal man that ran on steam. It could submerge under water, fly with it's rocket legs and, of course, cause mayhem with it's enormous chainsaw and microwave hands.
This cartoon was basically drawn to illustrate the potential horror of such a machine. I later ended up submitting it to some school assignment because I aws too lazy to do something new when I'd already done this in my spare time. I got good grades too.
The characters in the cartoon are me as Dr. Waldemar (the guy with the hard-on) and a couple of friends as Professor Fennikel (with glasses) and Dr. Brain (with binoculars).