96.Seeing Sounds-N*E*R*D

Now, I'm a fan of hip-hop, and this is great alternative hip-hop. Seeing Sounds is easily their best album. It combines so many elements from the almost overpowering guitar hooks, to the great percussion that is a N*E*R*D staple. Not to mention thes guys can RAP fo sho. Yes they're a gimmick band, yes they're MTV trash. But they're so good at what they do that you can get past that and excperiance the greatness that is Seeing Sounds.
Highlights: Anti Matter, Sooner Or Later, Happy
95.Elect The Dead-Serj Tankian

I'm not a big SOAD fan, Toxicity is solid, but that's about all I like by them. Serj is a different story though. I'll admit this album is boring on first listen, but don't give up on it. It's almost intolerably slow, but that's what's so great about. He too kwhat was good about SOAD and mad eit better, by not speeding up. yes there are some bad tracks, and it's not a very solid album, bt the tracks that are good, are VERY good.
Highlights: Honking Antelope, Beethoven's C*nt, Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition
94.The Bends-Radiohead

Yeah it's by Radiohead. It's also good. So there. The Bends shows me that Radiohead can do good, yes they're not amazing, but this alum is. It just really shows you what this bands ia capable of and is hardly "some alternative album".
Highlights: Bones, Planet Telex, Street Spirit(Fade Out)
93.The Big Dirty-Every Time I Die

I neve rlike devery Time I die until I heard this album. It cicked immeadiatley. The new southern metal genre has always intrigued me, and this is it at it's best. They're lead guitarist is so talented, and he can play those dirty riffs to a T. Their singer is one of the wildest men I have ever seen. From just yelling into the mic. To using his tender voice in the slower songs, this party music that'll make you smile. "Nuff said.
Highlights: Pigs is Pigs, No Son Of mine, Rendez-Voodoo