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Old 02-13-2009, 03:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 100 Albums I Couldn't Think of A Creative Thread Title For

We all know I can't finish my threads. But I'm going to try really hard on this one. You guys know the drill, it's in descending order with only one album per artist etc.

100.A Band In Hope-The Matches

If you've never listened to The Matches before, this album may come as a bit of a surprise. they often are compared to bands like Head Automatica and such, but this album is different from all the other bands they've sounded like on previous albums. They've found they're own unique sound and it hows in this super-melodic album. It is lyrically one of my avorite albums, and the little things impress me so much, the double bass dtum, the use of a metal sound in this very very lo-fi album blend togehter so well.
Highlights: We Are One, Point Me Towards The Morning, Clouds Crash

99.The Mixtape About Nothing-Wale

This is the best mixtape I've ever heard. It blends togethwer so well even though there's a million things going on. The little Seinfeld tdbits thrown in keep you on your toes. and this album ends too quickly with the ending track leaves you begging for more as it clses with the best track on the album. If you've only heard "Nike Boots" it's really no tlike that at all, it's so much better.
Highlights: The Kramer, The Cliche Lil Wayne Feature, The End Credits

98.Goodbye-Ulrich Schnauss

I'm a sucker for ambient music. Imagine Sigur ros except not as light. It still sounds great and is one of my favorite post-rock albums. Many thanks to JH for reccomending it, I've been spinning it for awhile and it just gets better. It's very mature album, and takes a few lstens to understand, but after that you will love it.
Highlights: Stars, Never Be The Same,Shine

97.Dreamboat Annie-Heart

Ahh Heart. A major guilty pleasure of mine. I have a few albums, but this one really sticks out as something amazing. From start to finish it keeps me captivated n the dream world conjured, keeping me at the edge of my seat by continually switching up between soohing lullabies and power-chord fuled ballads. It's like just getting to sleep when the alarm clock goes off, but in a good way
Highlights: Soul of The Sea, Crazy On you, Sing Child
Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
What? No. No. No. No no no.

Last edited by FaSho; 02-13-2009 at 03:39 PM.
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