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Thread: What is Punk
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Old 04-25-2005, 03:52 PM   #1 (permalink)
Hairy McTouch
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1
Default What is Punk

I am Irish and young (but musically educated). We must remember to be very carefull about what passes for punk. Punk was born in Thatcherite England when they really had something to complain about and a reason to be angry. The Pistols, The Stranglers, The Clash and the rest rallied the masses. Irish punk bands were the next to follow as the country was (and still is) at war with England. It takes real issues to create real punk music. I hate to see all these American cry-baby bands whinging about there mum telling them to clean their room. Its only pop with intsuments.

"Tiocaidh ar la" - Our day will come
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