Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
Coraline is Henry Sellick.
Henry Selick is a long time collaborater with Burton , he did the animation for Nightmare Before Christmas, so it's no coincidence that Coraline looks like a Burton movie.
Anyway, some upcoming movies I'm looking forward to.
Alice in Wonderland: Directed by Tim Burton - I can't imagine this not working, who could possibly be more appropriate for this than Burton?
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus: Directed by Terry Gilliam - While Gilliam hasn't done a better than average film since 12 Monkeys, I have high hopes for this one, especially since it's Ledgers last film.
Last Days of Coney Island: Directed by Ralpth Bakshi - I'm a big Bakshi fan, and I was quite excited to learn he's working on his first film in nearly 20 years.
Where the Wild Things Are: Directed by Spike Jonze - Only 2 films in 10 years, Jonze really takes his freaking time.
Akira - The live action version. I think Leonardo DiCaprio is gonna play Kaneda and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is gonna be Tetsuo. Yeah I know, this is probably gonna suck, but I'm too damn curious.