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Old 02-11-2009, 06:26 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: SI, NY
Posts: 54

I probably go by the whole "be yourself" thing. I try to be really honest and genuine to everyone, I try to trust them even though its not fully there. I never try to act or be someone else for acceptance. I am content with myself for that. Acceptance, open-mindedness, and forgiveness are all principles I practice and preach. However sometimes I try to adopt a more apathetic or cynical view, because I feel like I'm seen as too emotional by others. I feel I am too self absorbed in many ways. I feel I am too immature, and must act maturely. I feel frustrated when I don't think others are considering other people than themselves, or is being selfish. I don't like judgmental people, or pretentious people. I try not to be either of those. I deeply admire humility. I don't feel I practice that enough. I try to always lend a helping hand but I find myself to be EXTREMELY selfish when it comes to certain things. I hope selflessness comes easier as I mature and become less self absorbed.

I think selfishness = the root of all evil. Acceptance is the key to inner happiness. You should always forgive for you never know when you will need to be forgiven. You should always be sincere and genuine, then other people will not like you for someone they think you are rather than who you really are. You should have standards but low expectations of other people, so disappointment never hurts too much. You should never be smug, boastful, arrogant, or pretentious about your abilities. And, you should try to be as understanding as possible,so sometimes when you're a little too human, others around you will understand...
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