Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

This is the reason Pulse was so low on the list. As good as Pulse may be, it doesn't carry the intensity that WYWH carries, and the two-part Shine On You Crazy Diamond is just incredible. It's my favorite Pink Floyd album, by the way.
Anthony Green - Avalon

Happy music was the better stuff of the week for me, it really helped me get over everything that happened. Although this album feels a bit melancholy at times, it is overall a happy album. Great acoustic stuff, completely different from Saosin or Circa Survive.
The Sound Of Animals Fighting - The Ocean And The Sun

An amazing experimental prog rock project, too bad that this was their last album. Features members from Finch, Circa Survive, and RX Bandits, just to name some.
Nevershoutnever! - The YIPPEE EP

So later during the week, I found out that listening to angry music wasn't going to make me feel better. That's where this album came in. Catchy as ****, and just really happy, upbeat acoustic/electronica music.
New top ten on Saturday!