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Old 02-11-2009, 11:57 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ninaNirvana View Post
Hmm. I am curious by what you mean by that. I find the title to be most engaging both intellectually and artistically. Kindly explain; I am all ears...

See the problem for me is that parrallel lines don't actually ever meet, if they do, they're not parallel. So the idea that the two can coexist can't be true.

Thats all good and fine, if thats where it ended I'd say "clever was so 1999" or something else psuedo-homosexual and walk it off.

But these guys give me the impression that they think this is pretty deep. But like any other oxymoron, its just stupid. I don't expect album titles to do much more than distringuish one album from another. if you want to give a title to address the theme, more power to you.

But everyone who gets clever with them, thats trying to "show" us something deserves a swift kick in the balls. Off the top of my head...

Title of Record
4th (Lemonheads not Zepp)
Almost everything by Ben Folds whos former bands name had the same issue.

The only two good album titles that had something to them actually never came to fruition...

The Cars first album was going to be called "The Cars Greatest Hits", I'd have given them that one.

The other was the Offspring, who were going to call their album "Chinese Democracy" until the lawsuits came. Axl needs digs taken at him.
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