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Old 02-10-2009, 03:54 PM   #3 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Posts: 412

Armor For Sleep - What To Do When You Are Dead

Although nothing special, it had been a while since I had listened to this album, so when I found it last week, of course the first thing I did was put it in my computer and listen through it. I'm not sure if this is on my top ten for last week because I just missed this album and it brought back memories from (try not to laugh) three years ago, or because it's an enjoyable album. Either way, it's a great listen, good, solid post-hardcore/punk that's more on the alternative side.

Rendezvous With The Kidnappers - Alabastard (Single)

Although this isn't anywhere near a complete album (one song), it has been the single most addicting song I heard all past week. Progressive rock/experimental, these guys sound like The Sound Of Animals Fighting. I'm still finding it hard to believe that it is possible for five minutes to go buy as fast as they do when playing this song (I feel guilty for putting it in a 'top ten album' thread now).

Four Year Strong - Rise Or Die Trying

BAM, and the album is set and going. I'm not really sure what this would fall under, I guess it's like a mix of electronica with post-hardcore, punk, and pop-punk. Anyways, whatever it is, they're good at making it. This album starts hitting the ground and running, and doesn't slow down until it reaches the end, and even then, it ends when you least want it to. Great stuff, I'm glad I found out about these guys.

Last edited by Roemilca; 02-11-2009 at 12:37 PM.
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