Originally Posted by Cast
Daltrey was a better vocalist than Plant, who i've always found to be over rated. Band wise both bands have greats on each side. pete townshend isn't as good as Page on the guitar but I've always preferred his songs over Page's not to say they are bad. For me personally. john entwistle is my favorite bassist of all time so he beats Jones. Now the toughest battle Moon and Bonham both insane drummers funnly enough both drummer kept their bands alive in a sense (i mean really the who died after Moon's death and Zep disaband after Bonhams). I give Moon the slight edge but this one was very close. I just prefer the who their songs always have seemed stronger to me.
I don't judge music by who is a better shredder. By that logic speed metal bands would stomp over Led Zeppelin and the Who. Plant & Page were extremely sloppy when they played live and the Who sound was tighter. Led Zeppelin were one of the worst plagiarists in the history of rock music while the Who once you get past some of their early songs were more original and they were more innovative as musicians. Led Zeppelin are overrated and they even thanked the Beatles for making the album as the medium of choice when the Beatles released no singles on Sgt Pepper and the White Album. If they had to rely on making singles like the Who did in their early days they might have not made it. I don't get Led Zeppelin. The Who were more important in the history of rock music than Led Zeppelin IMO.