I haven't been into black metal for very long, but with some research, most of it is European although there are some good US ones too. Poland also has a good amount, I subscribed to a channel on youtube called AbyssPL and he has amazing stuff.
Arckanum, Quaet Gespuys, Cor Scorpii, Taran, Judas Iscariot, Wolves in the Throne Room, Vulva Infernum, Kult, Infestus, Khrom, Furia, Mgła, Corpus Christii, Horna, Godless North, Arctic Circle, Kult of Azazel, Szron, Ctulu, Hellspawn, Impaled Nazarene, Morbosidad, Craft, Urgehal, Gholgoth, Harmony Dies, Ancient, The Legion, Summon, Tsjuder.