I'm definitely not a socialist; in fact I'd say I'm a libertarian leaning towards anarchy, but I definitely wouldn't say socialism doesn't work. It just depends what you think is better personally. The problem with a completely free market is that most big business owners aren't good people. A lot of them will have no problem opening sweat shops and forcing people to work 16+ hours a day for basically nothing. But I am completely against the bailouts. At some point, the U.S.'s debt is going to get too high and countries will stop lending us money. Then what are we supposed to do? I wouldn't even be that pi$sed about it if the bills stated exactly what the money was supposed to be used for. But I read, on the same page, 2 interesting articles in the newspaper the other day. On the same page, one said that the money from the bailouts is being used improperly by companies giving big bonuses, etc. The other was about the liberals blocking an investigation to determine exactly what the money was being used for, citing some obscure paperwork act about saving trees. I mean, what the f*ck people? We should at least decide what the moneys going to be used for if everyone insists on these bull$hit bailouts.