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Old 02-04-2009, 03:11 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fraig View Post
I checked out the 2012 forums earlier this year and there are plenty of people who fully believe Dec. 21, 2012 is the end. There are many different theories but a popular one involves the shifting of the North and South Poles creating a deathly exposure to solar radiation.
Just throwing this out there, interestingly enough supposedly scientists say the north and south poles do actually shift every once in a while (like 750000000 years or something) but I can't grasp how they could possibly know that.
As for the end of the world bull****, I don't even understand where it comes from. Unless I'm mistaken, Nostradamus' predictions were things like predicting the 2 world wars by saying 2 big events will shake the world. How does that credit him as an actual psychic? I'm sure I could make some accurate predictions like that about the next couple hundred years.
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