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Old 02-04-2009, 12:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
So what am I supposed to do , block my ears every time someone drives past me in a car playing a CD loudly?
If the Rcs could find a way to make you pay for that they would.
how they control the new digital sharing noone yet knows.
perhaps they will just rely on the fact that most people haven't time to investigate what is out there and will buy what is marketed by pop idol.
Been a festival goer I have always noticed how many people see a small band or artist in a small tent and love them and buy their stuff.
Would they ever come across them in the record shops?
Books are the same.
Waterstones market certain books and not others because publishers pay them,
This is hemogeny and a result of the market.
This is why I think music should be free and bands that get a following will make aliving from other things like gigs and advertisng.
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