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Old 02-04-2009, 02:20 AM   #736 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 25

1.Turncoat - Anti-Flag

I will never forgot this song, and every time I here it i will remember the time me and my friends were walking home from a party late one summer night. We were taking the long hike down a road with houses on one side and nothing but country on the other...and that's when I heard it. I just remember being like "Yeah...yeah...!! Let's go see what these people are up to!". So I jumped the fence and we partied with all these random people all night. We went back a few times after that, but we'd always have to make the same entrance: Over the fence, into the prickle bushes, then a nice little tuck and roll right up to the fire pit. What a great summer...those are the times I was the happiest with people that I loved the most, i never want to forget those days.

2.Twenty Years - Augustana

I can't really explain how much this songs mean to me. I still get chills every time I listen to it. Its one of my comfort songs. Everything about makes me feel like I understand my own life so much better.

Do you want to see
The place where I was free?
Cause in my mind I need it
But you're nowhere near to me

3.Waiting on an Angel - Ben Harper

You know when you're laying in your bed and you've just woken up...but you can hear the rain on your window. You just lay there, almost in total peace. Well this is the song I here in my head when that moment happens. Ben's voice is so soothing. I almost feel like a little kid when I listen to this...falling asleep to my dad singing to me.

4.I'm Not Strong Enough To Say No - BlackHawk

I just re-discovered this song a few months ago. It's kinda funny because I had never heard of BlackHawks before... but when I played this I could sing all the I had heard it a thousand times before. It's one of those songs that you heard on the radio in your parents car, when your a kid, so many times you could completely sing along to it at 7 years old. It felt good to re-discover wouldn't have matter what genre or what song it still would have had that same effect on me. You know it just gives you that little smile as you kinda reminisce all those little memories.

5.Aliens Exist - Blink-182

This was the most played song on my very first MP3 player. That thing was more trouble then what it was worth. Blink 182 was huge then, and I just plain and simple, loved this song.

6.Sleeping Sickness (Feat. Gordon Downie) - City And Colour

Thank the dear lord I heard this song because if it wasn't for the pure solitude of this song I would have never discovered City and Colour. I could see anyone not liking this song.

And I'm afraid to sleep because of what haunts me,
Such as living with the uncertainities
They'll never find the words to say which would completely explain
Just how I'm breaking down

7.American Dream - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

This song was my whole summer when I was like 10 years old. My friends and I were searching through my mom's CD stack looking from something interesting to listen to and we came across this Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young CD. We went though every track but from some reason this one just stood out to us. We played it on re-peat on the old sony ghetto blaster my dad won in a curling bonspiel. The lyric "American dream" is repeated alot throughout the whole thing but I remember saying "American Tree Pee" instead ah ah. I can remember being so "cool" listening to this song.

8.Transatlanticism - Death Cab For Cutie

One time I drove around and listened to this song on repeat for an hour...I wasn't going I was almost home and then this song come on my CD and it completely captivated me. So I just kept driving. I had listened to it before but I had never "really listend to it", you know.

I need you so much closer

9.Between The Bars - Elliot Smith

I don't really know what to say for this song. I feel like it deserves alot more words then I can write for it. It's the lyrics that really made me love this song, and the sound of his voice. I have yet to here a song by Elliot Smith that I don't like.

Drink up baby, stay up all night
With the things you could do
You won't but you might
The potential you'll be that you'll never see
The promises you'll only make
Drink up with me now
And forget all about the pressure of days
Do what I say and I'll make you okay
And drive them away
The images stuck in your head

10.Jessie's Girl - Rick Springfield

Who doesn't like playing the air guitar/ drums, take your pick, and singing your ass off to this song. Then turning on your best sexy voice for:

You know I feel so dirty when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her but the point is probably moot
In no specific order (actually its alphabetical)

I didn't even make it past the "E"s in my music library for this. I guess there are just so many songs that mean alot to me. If it wasn't 2:18 AM I would probably go through all my songs then pick the top 10 out of all the little write ups i did...but this will have to do for now.
dreamin' of revelry...
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