I say we just let capitalism win and stop postponing the inevitable. Yes we will lose some jobs but in the long run it will be better for most.
Nobody is going to pay 13 bucks for a freakin snow cone unless of course you are pro bail out then your just an idiot.
Maybe rather then send that 55+ guy who has been promised a good retirement out the door you take that money thats about to go down the toilet and give some to him and anyone else possibly per how many years they put in. However you can only feel so bad since that same person is the one who made that company go bottom up.
F all the ideas do the simple smart and educated thing. You say there will be riots?? Think about how much worse it would be if they got nothing. I mean they can't breath anymore not even a gasp. Its about the same as trying to revive a corpse.
Let them fail so they can start fresh....
Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...