Y`know I did a search on him & there`s never been a Prince thread in any forum.Thats just shocking.
I think the fact I had no idea which forum to put him in speaks volumes for his talent. I could have put it in the pop forum , I could have put it in the rap/hip hop forum (As that covers soul & funk).
I could have put it in the Rock forum as I think he`s the most under rated guitarist on the planet and some of his solo piss over some of the more rated rock/metal guitarists whos names usually crop up on any of the 'best guitarists' threads here.
I think the guy was one of the saving graces of mainstream pop in the 80s. Given the choice of having to listen to Thriller & Off The Wall or Purple Rain & Sign O The Times i`d take the Prince albums EVERY time.
Urb's RYM Stuff
Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.