Originally Posted by Wayfarer
EDIT: and yes it is an inherently bad idea because not only has it failed in practice but it was suggested (some say proven) almost ninety years ago that it can't even work in theory as with socialism comes economic planning and a planned economy lacks a mechanism to rationally apportion resources. aside from that, there are the arguments that socialism hinders technological progress as a result of stifled competition, inevitably leads to totalitarianism, and most importantly that it drastically reduces incentives for workers as everyone holds equal wealth.
why anyone would think socialism is a good idea is beyond me.
Oh, it was proven that socialism doesn't work?
Point me over to that experiment.
What's that, there wasn't one?
Sure, incentives to earn cash would be reduced in a Socialist world, but on the flip-side, in a perfect Libertarian world, a few people would have millions of dollars and 80% of the population would be dying from starvation.
"Why anyone would think socialism is a good idea is beyond me" is the most unintelligent crap I've heard in a while.
Besides being an ideal founded on the principle of egalitarianism, it is also one of few political theories that actually takes into account morality instead of base selfish indulgence.