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Old 01-31-2009, 04:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Virginia
Posts: 5
Default Excited to delve into MB

Hi everybody. This is the first music forum I've ever joined. I used to be an avid member of a horde of sports forums, but I jettisoned the idea of a future of continuing to do that and decided I was more fit as a sports blogger (am an aspiring sportswriter). But because I want to become more knowledgeable of music and its broad history (I'm only a senior in high school, so my tenure on earth isn't what you would call lofty), I've decided to partake in the action here. Be light, considering if I say something ill-advised along the way!

When I signed up here a month or two ago, I couldn't think of a username, so I just tossed in frontrunner without giving it much thought. This, perhaps, could get me some bad rap here, but I'll take what I get.
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