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Thread: Your Day
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Old 01-30-2009, 06:11 PM   #8274 (permalink)
Wifey Boozer
Meanie McFeany
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Troy side'ah the dirt, NY
Posts: 455

My day was fantastic... started off a bit headachey, got up real early and had only one cigarette left... but my aunt got here around 10:30 and brought me a pack. Hung out with her and my mom for about an hour until my brother got home, then we all left to meet my Gram in Stuyvesant Plaza so Gram could get her wig (SHE LOOKS FANTASTIC! She don't look no 61, **** no. Took 20 goddamn years off her, she looks so pretty...)... then after we did that, we all went out to eat. Delicious lunch at Red Lobster. Came home, found out my honey was working. So I watched a so-so movie (Bedazzled) and took a big nap. Good day.

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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