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Old 01-30-2009, 06:26 AM   #2 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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(A Troll wanders in and feeds the anteater some ants)
Welcome man! Glad you made it, and looking forward to your posts. Agree with pretty much most of what you say, with one proviso (for me, anyway): I'm a pasty-faced, geeky, bespectacled 40-something (fast approaching 50 --- gulp!) Irish boy who was brought up on the kind of fare they served up on the likes of Top of the Pops, MTV and so on, though I often caught the Tube or the OGWT (Old Grey Whistle Test), and soon my musical leanings had turned towards rock, then heavy rock, then metal, then prog, and then metal again, and now I'm pretty much happy with what I listen to.
I can put on a Josh Groban or Nanci Griffith or Faith Hill CD, and then a Marillion followed by Iron Maiden, finished up with a nice big helping of Grieg or Dvorak, and I enjoy them all. However, I DO know what I DON'T like, and I stay away from it, as life's too short to waste time with music I'm not into HOWEVER I do accept that others like this sort of music (these sorts of music?) and don't rip on 'em. If someone's into jazz, punk. disco, hardcore hip-hop or whatever, I just say, yeah fine, but I dont like it. Doesn't mean it's bad, just that I personally dont like it. Perhaps if more people thought this way there'd be a lot more tolerance?
Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say hi, and hope to read some darn interesting (and hopefully controversial) posts!
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