You and Me Killed the Kennedys
A Political/opinion Survey, pieced together from several sources. Feel free to add questions, etc. Perhaps we could make a more intelligent Saturday 6 pack? Except, a Thursday one. With more than 6.
Do you think that Republicans are ignorant?: That seems to be the general consensus. But let's talk about Israel.
Why do people become religious extremists?: Maybe they were raised that way. Maybe they're running from something. Maybe it was the creepy neighbor.
What's your opinion on American life opposed to the European way of living: All I know is that, in America you're an alcoholic. In Europe, you're cultured.
Do you believe that there is something out there, and if you do so, why?: "Out there" is a very vague term. So, no.
Do you think that there will be more major terrorist attacks soon?: Everything can be considered an attack.
Do you think that the *** Marriage bill will ever be passed?: In some states it already has. Kudos.
What is your least favorite country or area?: This one.
What is your favorite country or area?: South New Guinea. No more, "Oh, hey, yeah let's go, uhm, clone another GOAT."
What about the changing climate, do you worry about it?: The weather will continue to change on and off until the end of time.
Have you ever had/do you believe in deja-vu?: Many times, most days.
What's more important, a cure for cancer or one for aids?: Cancer. But I'm biased.
Do you think the Islam and Christianity will ever commence a war?: Have you ever read a history text?
Was 9/11 an inside job?: It was an American plane!
Are you a republican/democrat? No/no.
Are you a conservative/liberal? No/and I'd hate to call myself one of those at risk of sounding like a douchebag.
What's your stance on gun control: Mel Brooks once wrote, "if everyone in the world had a flower instead of a gun, there would be no war." Now, don't take that literally, that's incredibly naive. Though of course, there'd be a lot less deaths, I presume.
Abortion views?: Pro-choice. Not because it's trendy. Just because it's right. Not just when she's raped, not just when she's young, not just when the fetus is at risk of having problems... just because if a woman/girl doesn't think she is ready for a child, she shouldn't have it. If she's irresponsible, yeah, maybe she shouldn't have spread in the first place, but she did and it happen, and an innocent kid shouldn't have to suffer for it. And by that last sentence I mean, shouldn't have to live through it.
What do you think of George Bush and his administration?: They should all be tried for mass murder.
John Kerry?: He wasn't Bush. That was his advantage. Evidently, it wasn't enough.
Al Gore?: Al Gore is going through a mid-life crisis. He's getting hot flashes and everything.
Bill Clinton?: He get's a bad rap... he was a damn good president who was horny, we shouldn't hold that against him.
Hillary Clinton?: She annoys the hell out of me. Don't know why, can't put my finger on it. Wouldn't have wanted her in office, no.
Michael Moore?: One of the most unflinching, honest minds of our time.
Ronald Reagon?: As a president, hell no, he should burn forever in the ocean of fire. As a friend of Frank Sinatra, yes, we should drink together in the heaven I don't believe in.
Donald Trump?: Is a horrible human being.
... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.
Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.