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Thread: Urban Verbs
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Old 01-29-2009, 01:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
why bother?
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Default Urban Verbs

I've been raiding this absolute goldmine of a post-punk blog for a good few weeks now and came across their superb (self-titled) debut. The 1980 album's a very interesting hybrid of new wave and what you'd expect of post-punk at the time (in the Josef K or Gang Of Four kind of sense). Though nothing truly extraordinary, it's still a very good album (in my opinion).

Unfortunately there's next to no information about them online (I do know they were one of the first DC bands to play CBGB's though), let alone videos. This here's the only one I could find; something they did with Brian Eno;

^ The only other videos I could find were all these dodgy ones from some reunion tour or other. That song doesn't really sound like anything off their debut, but what's a band thread without a video eh. Anyway, the point is, if you've got an interest in post-punk, check them out. If anyone wants a link you know who to ask.

Any other fans at all?

Last edited by Bulldog; 01-29-2009 at 01:36 PM.
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