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Old 01-28-2009, 08:48 PM   #26 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
Don't forget with this statement that these minimum wage jobs are jobs none the less. Also you must hold your own self responsible for what you have become. Every decision you have made is cause and effect of everything you have done up until this very day. Are you the person asking if you would like to super size? If so to me you are either young 15-20 or you are someone who has had problems in the past.
So like half my neighborhood if you are born into a ****-poor family and have no money to go to college and are barely able to finish high school because you have to work that is your fault!? Personally I have been in that position it took years to work at a terrible paying minimum wage job (which was extremely hard) just to save up the money to go to community college so that I could have a decent paying job. You buy the crap that the rich and government give you, that being unemployed or at a minimum wage job is always a personal problem/fault, when in reality it is many times society. For example last monday (black monday) 75,ooo people lost there jobs. Nw that they have no job to go to they have to look for some lowly 7.15 an hour minimum wage job, and you call that being a lazy American...

Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
Once again the average greedy American feels he/she is owed something for nothing. There are more people worried about American Idol than f-ing health care. This is the problem with the world today. We need to remember this is not all one way. And for the people who have done well?? Should we tax the f out of them for there hard work and dedication?? Dont give me any "I didnt have a chance crap because there are ways to get ahead though ultimately its up to you.
And yes the average American is owned a lot! Thats what makes this country better than most. If you pay taxes you deserve the right to be kept healthy and safe. I have no hate or dislike for the people that have done well, but a simple fact is that when you are rich you should not catch a tax break, or any type of break whatsoever. The trickle down theory has obviously not worked in the past and only brought the country into depression. Now im not saying tax the hell out of them, but have it the same as everyone else (that goes for big business mainly).

You have obviously not been brought up having to struggle for everything you have because if so you would realize that often it is not just "up to you". Layoffs, stock crashes, technology, being flat out poor, and many other factors can put someone out of luck.
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