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Old 01-28-2009, 12:47 PM   #9 (permalink)
sleepy jack
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Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
Oh my gosh, no one could have thought of that! You tell people to hand you things. You believe their property belongs to you. You think that big businesses should cater for you. Join the rest of the stupid liberals.
If a business wants to succeed it should actually cater to a certain extent to the populace.

Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
The only greed here is the idea that we should all have to make up for the mistake of others. I just find it funny how everyone doesn't want to bail out the big businesses which provide all the welfare that a ton of this country is living on in the first place. American liberalism is so hypocritical.
That's not greed Oxford and these businesses (e.g. the auto industry) haven't been making money; in fact they've been losing it. Bush has been giving tax cut to big business anyway. A good deal of Democrats in Wasington (Kucinich for instance) have been strongly against the bail outs and even Clinton's been saying they're going about this wrong and if they are going to do bail out companies they need to (and they only did this with AIG) buy the majority of the stocks and collect enough interest so the tax payers actually make money in the long run.

Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
Yes, but you make those big businesses big based on your own free choice to buy from them. Nobody should be catering anybody. You pay for their product, then they give it to you. Then you go back to life. Both parties agreed to a price for the item, and that item is sold for that price.

No one is a slave to anyone. Financial situations should not force people into slavery.
Once again if a business doesn't even try and cater to a populace it's not going to sell anything. This is basic supply and demand here.

Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
I have stated I am against the bail out. My point is the fact that you are blaming the bail out on big businesses taking risks. Sorry, the bail out is a cause of the government meddling with the economy.
Wrong. For one these bail outs ARE the government meddling with the economy. The causes of these businesses needing the bail outs is do to their own stupidity. In the case of the auto industry it had nothing to do with the government meddling with their business model it has to do with them making shitty cars. In fact if the government had stepped in like the rest of the world is and told the auto industry to start making smart cars a decade ago they'd be in much better shape. As for the financial industry if During the Clinton years they hadn't repealed Glass-Steagall all these facets of that industry wouldn't be effected. Lack of government regulation and intervention has more do with this then not.

I understand you libertarians want to blame everything on the government being too big but that's simply stupid in this case. Clinton and Bush and the Congress and Senate under them have been getting rid of things set up during the Great Depression for the past ten years as well as deregulating businesses (though this part was more Bush than Clinton.) It clearly hasn't been a good thing. I don't know how you can honestly say these bail outs are the cause of the government meddling with the economy seeing as everything that's happened points to the opposite.
Originally Posted by METALLICA89 View Post
Ive seen you on muiltipul forums saying Metallica and slayer are the worst **** you kid go suck your **** while you listen to your ****ing emo **** I bet you do listen to emo music
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