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Thread: What is pop?
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Old 01-27-2009, 08:21 PM   #48 (permalink)
Untalented Drummer
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This peep thinks pop is indeed a very slippery definition - by all means a song can definitely have a "pop" sound - ie, if it has a good layer of radio sheen, if you can tell it was at least designed to appeal to a wide audience, even if it doesn't... it could be called a "pop" song...

Nonetheless, sometimes songs that aren't particularly designed to be mass appealing songs, suddenly, strangely, gain a mass audience, and get somewhat canonized into the realms of "pop" music... and thus they fit a different, more loose definition of "pop" music... music that has sold alot of copies, has alot of listeners, etc...

But hey, before you panic, folks, this is just a basic description of how the whole world of musical innovation works... underground invents, gains p[opularity, the face of music changes, the newly born style gets insanely popular, runs out of steam, making way for a new underground to rise, and the process starts agains...

"and it's all just a little bit of history repeating..."
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