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Old 01-27-2009, 03:50 PM   #11 (permalink)
Terrible Lizard
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Originally Posted by littleknowitall View Post
I wouldn't suggest 'telling' me to do anything my friend unless your goal was to create a confrontation, I'm sorry did my generally stereotypical opinion of a clearly **** band offend you in some way? Best keep down the slandering now ey mate? I'm not partial to being aimlesly deemed an 'Idiot' by complete strangers
Really, was there any basis for your being so sharp in your response to me? or are you always such a negative character?

You want an explination of why I deem that band to be ****? Not that I'm not already entitled to have whatever harmless opinion of a band I ****ing want without being demonised by anyone as long as it remains within the boundaries of reason. (and quite frankly I find my dislike of them to be quite rational), Ok.

Apart from being immediately confronted by what appear, and yes I can comfortably stereotype however much I ****ing want to, ...what appear to be two completely dumb-founded ****ing morons.

Within the first couple of seconds I'm then confronted with that introduction, only further leading me to believe they are infact completely stereotypical metal ****ing morons.

Then I'm greeted by a dischorded, uninteresting repetition of a modal scale being tapped out over and over by these ****ing retards.

Followed on by a mindlessly dreary and boringly unoriginal metal solo,
There was no creativity in what was written, It convayed no emotion, Nor do I consider what they did to be very technical. So what was the point in it? It's merely another **** metal song being churned out of the crapper by a bunch of ****ing idiots, to what is an audience of completely idiotic metal-heads nodding away in approval of this 'drop c' dischorded wank guitar-work.

There, I elaborated on my previous stereotype of this band, that's my opinion, I believe the thread asked for it and it was within the boundaries of rational thought and reasoning for me to think it.

So can we be a little bit more ****ing polite about our responses next time or what?
The best post I've read in awhile.
So I must ask good sir, what metal bands if any do you like?
-John Martyn
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