Originally Posted by sleepy jack
I don't really think Nader runs to win; he's frequently talked about how it was the little parties that pushed key issues. I think he runs to scare the Democrats into listening to his ideas which almost worked in 2004.
I'll give you the point that its likely his intention, but lets talk about how realisitc that is...
In addition, by the way, to the point that people hide behind him during election season in lieu of defending a candidate.
...given that he's a terrible politician. As I recall he told voters that Obama was a vote to relieve white guilt.
I saw his documentry, I have amazing respect for the man. But a claimed vote in his direction is political misdirection to avoid actual fault being lobbed at someone for the direction of the country.
A similar point was made by Chris Matthews during the McCain campaign in that, now that the president (bush), whom you've all supported for 6.5 years has low approval ratings, you're taking off the uniform and balming someone else. As least McCain is playing defense saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" and not saying it was some other party whos to blame."
The same is true here. By allying yourself with a third party you never take blame and you never have to work to improve a party because you never get in to office to **** things up. And while there are occasional third party candidates who are valid, you get the impression that were these folks in California during the Davis administration, they'd have voted for Gary Coleman.