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Old 01-25-2009, 08:57 PM   #731 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Piss Me Off View Post
PMO's 7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony
Because i was bored and i wanted to see if i could do all of them. Don't expect a large amount of the songs to have any real strong link to the theme! Gluttony first.

1. Mclusky - Without MSG I Am Nothing
I song i can relate to too much
2. Tricky - Ponderosa
I drink 'till i'm drunk and i smoke 'till i'm senseless
3. Digital Underground - Oregano Flow (Gumbo Soup Mix)
Mmmm, soup.
4. Mr Scruff - Midnight Feast
Well it's just an instrumental so all you can go by is the title :s
5. The Undertones - Mars Bars
I predict anyone who listens to this mix will probably obsessively listen to the Undertones for the next few days as a result.
6. MF Doom - One Beer
Put on more for the cool samples at the end than anything else really.
7. Nouvelle Vague - Too Drunk To ****
Much classier than the original.
8. Ian Dury and the Blockheads - Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
Because sometimes guilty pleasures are the best ones of all.
9. Raekwon - Ice Cream
Yeah it's a crap metaphor but it beats Cookie Jar by miles.
10. Four Tet - Sleep, Eat Food, Have Visions
And theres me in a nutshell
I really, really love the songs by McLusky and Nouvelle Vague on this mix. Thanks! Is it worth checking out any albums by McLusky?

Am downloading the African folk one right now.
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