01-25-2009, 08:16 AM
#4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 295
Originally Posted by Roygbiv
MuM - Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today is OK
Nothing else sounds like MuM's debut album, except perhaps some moments in their succeeding records. Though their sound has been watered down to sound slightly less impressive over the years, their debut still sounds incredibly original, disorienting, and thus classic.
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
I've said it before and I can't believe that amount of disagreement! This is Wilco's defining moment, combining eccentric production with brooding Americana. This is a deep record whose meaning and purpose will fly over some people's heads, but don't let it fly over yours.
Sufjan Stevens - Come on Feel The Illinoise
I have a feeling this is going to be, if not his last, then Sufjan Steven's most impressive state dedication. It mixes religion with state philosophy and the human spirit. All the songs are memorable, even the interludes, and its so effortlessly seamless it can be nothing but a modern classic.
Radiohead - Kid A
What's there to say about Radiohead's Kid A that hasn't before? Their most engrossing effort may not be their most ambitious but it's still a solid effort.
Dizzee Rascal - Boy in Da Corner
Will be remembered by underground rap enthusiasts for breaking the trend that rap has been setting for the past few years. It's not money, crystal and hoes for Dizzee Rascal.
The Arcade Fire - Funeral
Although Neon Bible is often considered their better effort, Funeral was the album that got the Arcade Fire where they are today. Its the most personal of the two albums they have out so far and thus their most relatable.
These are the albums I know will make it to most critic's decade end lists.
What? Nearly all the songs on the album have those cliches.