there are bands still around that keep the same old approach to punk, but from what ive witnessed in my 14+ years in the scene is that alot of the bands that have kept the true attitude and beliefs that the original punk bands were known for, have changed the way they look and the music has become much more aggressive. Most of the punks I still hang out with find the whole 80s street punk style a joke now. The punk look when i started out was dyed mohawks and plaid pants "street punk" style, now when I go out to shows to see bands that are "punk" most are wearing hoodies/vests with dreads. There are tons of bands still playing with the original DIY/anti-establishment ideals that punk was started on, they just dont look like the typical "post-card punks" anymore. Theyve disasociated themselves with that whole look once it started becoming a mainstream freak show.