Heya guys
I've got tinnitus which, for me, is a high pitched buzzing sound that I hear even if there is no external source of sound. I guess I have it because of too much loud music, too much playing the drums without protection during rehearsals, loud concerts and I also fired a high caliber rifle without protection once which may not have helped. When I was a kid, I was nearly deaf for a few years until I had surgery, so maybe that has part to do with it.
Tinnitus is becoming more and more common and of course musicians are often at risk. Do you have it? Is it a problem or has it become less annoying with time?
I'm not too bothered by my tinnitus. I usually don't notice it until I go to sleep at night and there are no other sounds to listen to. It used to be a problem for me, but I did my own "Tinnitus Retraining Therapy" to alter my negative perception of the sound and eventually, it faded into the background whenever other sounds were present. Very helpful
It's still a bit annoying when it's silent, though.
Anyone else?