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Thread: The Casualties
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Old 04-21-2005, 07:37 PM   #55 (permalink)
Anarchy doll
punk rock mommy
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LOL! Jesus!
Jees, punkrocklove, you are clearly obsessed with the Casualties and think you are punk.
I just read through 3 pages of you calling people facist pigs and have come to a conclusion.
You love a guy who walks around all screw the government, and claims to be punk rock with his, spikey hair and leather jacket, and you are trying to be something you are not!
Punk is not walkng around spitting out someone elses material
funny, you say you were into punk for 13 years....
funny you only named off one band (Dead Kennedys) that were around before then.
and all the punk bands otherwise you say are "punk" are only like 5 years old, in the Case of Green Day(but they are really popular to beginners)
me thinks you are LYING!!!
let's ban this loser!
Fenix, Jesus, Hookers!
let's get her!
and I swear, if you call Urban anything you little bitch I will whoop your ass from here back to the google search you did on "how to be a punk"
give me convenience or give me death...
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