I can't stand it when someone says they like a song but don't know who the artist is! Normaly It's okay but it's usually to do with dance music. And they constantly listeningt to the same MotherF*****g song over and over again! And it's so simple too. Like that new song "infinity"! My Word I swear I could break whatever device that plays that crap!
Normaly jocks too. These people don't take music seriously. No intellectuall process occurs!
Then I listen to my music and get ripped off by some jock who's ear for music is as complex than that of a fly on ****!
But that's just me... had a rough day...
Originally Posted by vboon26
The thing I hate most about music is pretentious musicians and music snobs that criticize musicians and fans.
If you don't like it, don't listen to it or play it. If you like it, play it and listen to it. The end.
HA HA, much like Oasis! They make good music now and then but they are full of themselves.