Originally Posted by RezZ
I think I know much better than you ever will how Mettalica is. I used to play for 2 years in a Mettalica cover band. <---  Haven't laughed this much in a while.
Secondly if you actually took the time to read some of my old posts you would realize I have about 20-30 posts on my opinion about Nickelback. There is nothing I could say without repeating myself. (My point exactly.)
So before criticizing people, do you homework and stop acting like a twat. 
I also did not accuse YOU of saying they had no talent.
I was just making a general assessment of most musical critiques.
As for most of these people being musicians, good for you.
Let me hear the music that you think is worth more than their catalouge.
It doesn't matter what band it is, a handful of people are going to start "OMZ I LOVES THEM" threads, and the other half will start "THEY FUXIN SUCK MAN" threads. Doesn't change the fact that there is a different between stating your opinion, and being a downright ****.
And dac, I could probably say something like "I played in a Metallica cover band for two years" right now, but I'll keep my comments to myself.