I rented this expecting something totally different...as in something with a lot more blood and guts. But...I wasn't completely disappointed as the movie turned out to be pretty good. It doesn't 'blow the horror genre to bits' as the above picture claims...but it was suspenseful and I enjoyed the ending.

I was so dissappointed in this movie. I expected something on the level of "Hero"...what I got was a love story that wasn't even that touching (IMO) and same-ole-same-ole marital arts moves. It kept my attn until the end...but just barely.

All over the cover of this movie is plastered the word "comedy". Comedy,comedy,comedy. Seriously? I mean, yeah, it definitely had it's comedic moments. But I actually felt depressed after watching it. It was a decent movie, but I wouldn't recommend it to someone who wanted a laugh necessarily.