01-16-2009, 05:28 PM
#4 (permalink)
county fair energy
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 4,773
Originally Posted by jackhammer
Your name has been stolen from the mans name 'Stephen' which has it's roots in Greek Mythology. Apart from the fact that it is spelt wrong according to the jackhammer dictionary, it also is a name that is usually hidden from the world under a ridiculous username that makes no grammatical sense.
It does however imply a shy nature that will reveal itself and shed it's wings on an internet forum. Strange hats are also linked with the name.

Sig'd for sure.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)