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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 01-15-2009, 02:12 PM   #314 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zegna View Post
Fair enough. My view however is that the strength of his achievements, like many artists/bands, lies in the earlier works anyway. In any event, you say you don't think much of it and someone else says they's a matter of preference which doesn't make for much debate, in my view.
Well said.

His later works are not as good as his early stuff (which has been said countless of times and IS true.) but that does not take away his legacy and what he has already achieved.

Originally Posted by zegna View Post
In my view, guilt should be implied where there is obviously a sustainable basis for it. Without even referring to MJ or the legal arena, there are plenty of frivolous, vexatious and/or entirely bare allegations that are made on a daily basis. But if there's no reasonable or sustainable basis on which such allegations or accusations rest, I don't see how you can hold them against someone. Especially when such allegations look to have been made for an improper collateral purpose (usually money or spite).
Nuff said, well done.

Originally Posted by zegna View Post
But like you said, it's down to an individual's judgment. Coming back to the MJ issue, I don't think it's enough to say he's guilty of indecent sexual assault when the settlement or the outcome of the criminal case don't provide a basis for this. This is why I asked what the basis could be. His looks? I don't know.

Right... the average person does not follow ALL the facts anyway ESPECIALLY when it comes to celebrities and people they dont know.

They go off of what OTHER people think, Media of course, what they see, from their OWN experiences, how people LOOK and they judge them by making their OWN conclusions and that is why that is.
People do this EVERYDAY with regular people on the street.
That should not be held against the person in question because ur judgment is not fact whether you feel it to be true or not.

Michael Jackson-Dirty Diana- BAD

Michael Jackson- Bucharist 1992 "Beat It" Live- Thriller

Michael Jackson- Smooth Criminal Live- BAD

Michael Jackson- Wanna Be Startin Somethin- Thriller

Michael Jackson-" Baby Be Mine" -Thriller
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