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Old 01-14-2009, 08:25 AM   #4 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 39

Originally Posted by Gavin B. View Post
I'm a blues fan who loves Led Zeppelin but they're not a blues band by any stretch of the imagination.

Blues has a unique twelve bar, 3 chord progression. The sound is based on the Blue Note, or a slight drop of pitch on the third, seventh, and sometimes the fifth tone of the scale. It is also known as a bent pitch. There is room for minor chord progressions and jazzy innovations like the Baise 12 Bar progression. Cadence plays a role in what makes the blues unique as well.

A lot of Led Zep's music falls well within the blues category and a lot their music doesn't.

The band has influences as diverse as Celtic music, rockabilly, psychedelica, traditional country music, jazz and especially early black R&B rockers like Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry and Little Richard.

A lot of Jimmy Page's guitar playing is influenced by Jeff Beck's sonic experiments with feedback, fuzz, distortion and rave-up style music when both Beck and Page were in the Yardbirds. Led Zeppelin's first album sounded like an extension of blues/psychedelic music of the Yardbirds.
Led Zeppelin first two albums have many tracks that are blatant rip-offs of other people songs. What I mean they took whole lyrics and structures of other’s people songs like “Dazed and Confused” and “Whole Lotta Love” from other songs. They did a great job the problem is that they did not give songwriting credits to those songs. That being said they did not invent Hard Rock or anything really but they are the standard Hard Rock bands are compared to.

It could be said Led Zeppelin first album sounded like an extension of blues/psychedelic music of say Cream maybe more than the Yardbirds.
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