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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 01-14-2009, 05:02 AM   #313 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
I bet you wouldnt be setting him up with your sister either though, would you?
Im not convinced that every allegation thrown at MJ has been true at all and I think its a case of "If you throw enough ****..." but I doubt I'd be settling out of court for such a severe allegation if i was innocent.[/QUOTE]

It always depends on the other factors you had to balance the issue of vindication against. Ideally, everyone would have no issue with attending a long trial, paying a large amount in legal costs and sacrificing their other obligations in life due to the time-consuming trial, amongst other things, just to vindicate themselves. But that's not how it works. Even when, MJ fought the trial a few years back, he still wasn't vindicated in the public eye. Aside from this, I have already mentioned the business interests that you would not want to jeopardise. But there's also the fact that the damage to a public figure's reputation and earnings would likely be mitigated by a quick settlement as distinct from a long drawn-out trial that's constantly in the public eye. Aside from the temporal aspect, there's a reason why the MJ trial stays more in the mind than the settlement in the early 90's.

To ask the converse of your question, would you settle out of court if it was your kid that was sexually abused? Anyway, that's really it for me.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Threads like this make we want to bid 'adios' to MB. This discussion just goes around and around.
Eh, okay. Point taken.
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