Yes because they've consistantly been at the forefront of innovation and seem to be ever evolving throughout their career. While my personal favorite Radiohead album isn't typically regarded as one of their better Pablo Honey still manages to send chills down my spine every time I hear the album. Truly one of the best things to come out of the 90s.
The Kinks
Yes because they're The Kinks. One of the funnest bands to sing along to, ever. While they're a band I don't actually know much about I can say with 100% certainty that they managed to blend upbeat vocal harmonies with guitar oriented rock music better than anyone else could. When I'm feeling down The Kinks are one of my go-to bands.
The Beach Boys
Probably a yes, I'll get back to this after I give them a few spins. My mom appreciates them far more than I do.
Public Enemy
I'm going to have to say no. I just don't connect to the music at all. It does nothing for me and for the most part I can't appreciate the cultural relevance.